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Hedge Funds

Argonaut’s Norris says shorting Wirecard helped fund soar 38% amid ‘groupthink’

'The investment industry is awash with groupthink and this sheepish herd mentality, which is why so many people ended up being bullish on Wirecard'

Argonaut’s Norris says shorting Wirecard helped fund soar 38% amid ‘groupthink’
Photo: Thomas Kronsteiner/Getty Images

Barry Norris, founder and chief executive of equity asset manager Argonaut Capital Partners, says there are two key rules to successful investing: “A highly sensitive bulls--t antenna. And the ability to see through groupthink.”

Wirecard collided with both of his commandments, he said. Norris shorted the German payments firm through the Argonaut Absolute Return fund, his long-short equity fund, which is up 23% in 2020. Part of this success is due to Wirecard, which has netted Norris £1.28m after the German payments firm filed for insolvency following an accounting scandal and the arrest of its chief executive.

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