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Asset Management

BlackRock to expand proxy voting to large investors in Canadian, Irish funds

As a result of the move, 47% of the $4.9tn BlackRock oversees across index equity assets — or roughly $2.3tn — can participate in the programme

Large index investors such as BlackRock and Vanguard face growing scrutiny from US politicians about how much voting power they wield at shareholder meetings
Large index investors such as BlackRock and Vanguard face growing scrutiny from US politicians about how much voting power they wield at shareholder meetings Photo: Getty Images

BlackRock is expanding a recently launched programme that gives some of its largest clients a direct say in proxy voting, allowing investors in some of its Canadian and Irish funds a say for the first time on how their shares are cast at annual company meetings.

BlackRock announced in October that it was giving institutional investors in certain index strategies a choice in how they take part in proxy voting — the process where shareholders delegate the process of vote casting.

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