Q&A with NYSE Euronext's Dominique Cerutti

The transatlantic exchange's deputy CEO discusses his plans for retirement and the best piece of advice he's ever been given

1. What keeps you up at night? Nothing, because I sleep like a baby. Because I travel a lot, I've trained my body to sleep well. Like most business leaders, I do sometimes ponder the question of where the next disruption will be. On the one hand you have to execute on your vision and your strategy, but on the other hand you need the insight to spot the next disruption.

  • What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

I don't remember who told me the definition of leadership, but it was inspiring for me and I have been applying it for the last two decades. "A leader is somebody who can illustrate the future, make it attractive, and connect people emotionally to this future." The further I go in my career the more I understand the power of this definition.

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