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Draghi leaves Lagarde a dove to care for — and she will have help

The next ECB leadership will not look like the one Draghi lorded over, with a welcome addition in the form of Isabel Schnabel

Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, leaves his final press conference on October 24
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, leaves his final press conference on October 24 Photo: Getty Images

One man will be remembered for keeping the eurozone together as others seemed to give up, putting Europe on the path to a post-crisis sustainable recovery, and as the only European leader with a view of the common interest when governments were withdrawing into their national shells.

Mario Draghi, outgoing president of the European Central Bank, leaves the European economy facing many uncertainties as he prepares to hand over the baton to Christine Lagarde, former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, at the end of his eight-year term on October 31.

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