
The Fintech Files: Kalifa’s rallying cry, pro traders pick bitcoin and Klarna to axe jobs

Fintech Files rounds up what's going on in fintech and crypto this week

Ron Kalifa said that the UK has ‘set the benchmark for policy-led innovation’
Ron Kalifa said that the UK has ‘set the benchmark for policy-led innovation’ Photo: Simon Dawson/Getty Images

A little over a year ago, Ron Kalifa’s review into Britain’s fintech scene landed – and it caused quite a stir. The former chief of payments processing giant Worldpay used the report to suggest how the government and regulators could “retain the UK’s fintech crown” (Rishi Sunak’s words, not ours).

So how are we doing? Is Britain still a world leader in fintech? And have any of Kalifa’s suggestions actually happened?

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