

Asset Management

Investment Banking


Hedge Funds





Forecasting a false dawn again

Swallow one Chinese boom story and you'll soon be looking for another one

Returns for private equity investors will fall. Hedge Funds will continue to look soggy. GM will fall into bankruptcy. GM will not fall into bankruptcy. Nationwide will flog Gartmore. The Pru will change course (again) and sell Egg. Morgan Stanley will buy Macquarie, just after Macquarie has bought Goldman Sachs (Goldman advising all three on the deal). The FTSE will end the year at 7000, 6000, 5000, 4000…

Welcome to the traditional Predictofest, when the world's budding fortune tellers forget the past 11 months of sobriety and indulge in wild speculation about what the next 12 months will bring. Not wishing to miss the party, here's my confident prediction for the year ahead: banks, investors and corporates will all, at some stage, proclaim this is the year they're going to make lots of money in China.

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