The Wall Street Journal

Gen Z’s New Rules for Appropriate Office Wear

The work wardrobe is out. Corpcore is in.

As Gen Z enters the office, some of them are obliterating old rules about how to dress for work.
As Gen Z enters the office, some of them are obliterating old rules about how to dress for work. Illustration: Victoria Rosselli/WSJ Magazine; Aritzia; Mango; J.Crew; Revolve; Stanislas Motz-Neidhart/The Frankie Shop

When Divya Mathur was starting her career in the mid 2000s, her closet was divided into two sections: work-appropriate clothes and “all the really fun stuff that I could wear anywhere else,” she said. 

Mathur, now the chief merchandising officer of the fashion retailer Revolve, said those distinctions no longer applied for young working women. “Literally anyone who’s in that 20- to 25-year-old [range] is like, ‘Why would you buy stuff you don’t really want to own?’” 

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