

Asset Management

Investment Banking


Hedge Funds






Hedge funds should steer clear of a Big Brexit Short II

Compliance teams need to be on high alert and be sure they know exactly what is going on

On call? Professor Sir John Curtice, president of the British Polling Council, was obliged to field MPs' questions in October over hedge funds' use of private polling
On call? Professor Sir John Curtice, president of the British Polling Council, was obliged to field MPs' questions in October over hedge funds' use of private polling Photo: Alamy

Sequels are rarely as memorable as the original, but the next few days could see hedge funds tempted into a rerun of 2016’s Big Brexit Short. They should steer clear.

Cast the mind back to that infamous night of the referendum, and a certain Nigel Farage talking publicly about his friends in the City doing private polling — before the first results were declared.

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