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Investment Banking

Junior bankers: FN wants your views on pay, job security and work-life balance

Junior bankers: FN wants your views on pay, job security and work-life balance
Photo: Jose Sarmento Matos/Getty Images

Take FN's junior banker survey now

A leaked PowerPoint presentation by a group of Goldman Sachs analysts in March 2021 kicked off a rebellion in the junior ranks. It left banks scrambling to retain talent by hiking pay, restricting working hours and hiring scores more dealmakers to take up the slack of brutal 100-hour weeks.

Two years on and most in the junior ranks of dealmaking teams — analysts, associates and vice presidents — have faced a reality check. When thousands of jobs were cut in the first quarter of 2023, many rookies were first out of the door. Meanwhile, investment banks are also considering cutting back graduate recruitment next year as deal activity slumps.

Give your views here

So far this year, investment banking fees have slid by 20% on an already challenging 2022. Senior dealmakers are not optimistic about a rebound any time soon.

Financial News wants to hear from junior investment bankers on everything from job security and pay to exit options and how banks can improve work-life balance.

Please take three minutes to complete our survey here.

To contact the author of this story with feedback or news, email Paul Clarke

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