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My Big Break: Parliament’s crypto head Lisa Cameron

Ahead of the FN 100 Most Influential Women list, we ask some of the City's top women about the keys to their success

My Big Break: Parliament’s crypto head Lisa Cameron
Photo: Danilo Agutoli for FN

As chair of the Crypto and Digital Assets All-Party Parliamentary Group, Lisa Cameron has a front-row seat as the government decides on the sector's future. She is also one of a still relatively small number of senior women in UK politics.

As Financial News prepares to reveal this year's 100 Most Influential Women in Finance next month, we ask her a few quickfire questions on her career, and what her advice for the winners is.

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What was your first big break? 

Being the first person in my family to go to university. My mum always told me that education sets you up for life and I firmly believe that. She was so proud when I graduated.

Since coming into parliament I have tried to open up opportunities to many people from diverse backgrounds, and that’s why I developed the Speaker’s Internship Programme for people with disabilities. I would like to continue that journey in contributing to developing greater diversity in the fintech sector, as it must be inclusive and reflective of society.

Who do you consider a professional role model and why?

Michelle Obama, as she seems so humble and grounded and yet has shown tremendous courage and integrity throughout her years on Capitol Hill.

I love that she is an inspiration and has shown that there is strength in prioritising family commitments and her faith, alongside inspiring generations of young girls.

What one piece of advice would you give to women in the City? 

Don’t let anyone else define you. Parliament has only around 30% female MPs, so I feel this is a process; we have not reached the final destination of equality, so similarly in the City of London, you are paving the way for generations to follow in your footsteps in reaching equality of opportunity.  Well done for all you are achieving!

The FN 100 Most Influential Women list is published on 16 October. To make sure you're first to hear about it, sign up to our newsletters here

To contact the author of this story with feedback or news, email Justin Cash

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