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Asset Management

Nouriel Roubini: Beware the white swans of 2020

Financial markets remain blissfully in denial of the many predictable global crises that could come to a head this year

President Donald J. Trump speaks before signing a trade agreement with Chinese Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China, Liu He in the East Room at the White House on Wednesday, January 15, 2020
President Donald J. Trump speaks before signing a trade agreement with Chinese Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China, Liu He in the East Room at the White House on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Photo: Getty Images

In my 2010 book, Crisis Economics, I defined financial crises not as the “black swan” events that Nassim Nicholas Taleb described in his eponymous bestseller, but as “white swans”.

According to Taleb, black swans are events that emerge unpredictably, like a tornado, from a fat-tailed statistical distribution. But I argued that financial crises, at least, are more like hurricanes: they are the predictable result of built-up economic and financial vulnerabilities and policy mistakes.

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