The Wall Street Journal

U.S. Tariff Increases to Slow Global Economy, Boost Inflation, OECD Says

Its largest growth-forecast downgrades were for Mexico and Canada

A Port in Istanbul. The OECD cut its growth forecasts for most of the world’s largest economies, but China, Argentina and Turkey were exceptions.
A Port in Istanbul. The OECD cut its growth forecasts for most of the world’s largest economies, but China, Argentina and Turkey were exceptions. Photo: umit bektas/Reuters

Higher U.S. tariffs on imports are set to slow economic growth and push inflation higher around the world, with further increases threatening an even more severe downturn, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said.

In a quarterly report published Monday, the Paris-based research body cut its growth forecasts for most of the world’s largest economies over this year and next, the main exceptions being China, Argentina and Turkey.

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