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UKFI finalises senior line-up under new chief

Body managing the UK's bailed-out bank stakes recruits from Treasury as former Credit Suisse banker James Leigh-Pemberton completes his top team

James Leigh-Pemberton, the former Credit Suisse banker who started work today at the helm of UK Financial Investments, has wasted little time in finalising his senior team at the body, which manages the UK government's stakes in financial firms that were bailed out during the crisis.

Arriving at UKFI from the Treasury before the end of the year will be Ruth Curtice, according to a UKFI statement this morning. Curtice will fill the newly-created role of chief of staff, with responsibility for making sure UKFI is adequately equipped to handle its duties and catering for the concerns of UKFI's various stakeholders, including the Treasury and banks, when it comes to devising policy.

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