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What’s driving the anti-ESG backlash?

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What’s driving the anti-ESG backlash?

The boom in green investments has become one of the most significant trends in finance. As climate concerns mount, fund houses have tried to burnish their ESG credentials to match.

But recent months have seen pushback on a trend some either see as pointless, or actively harmful for the sector.

In a live debate taking place at 5pm BST on 17 August, Financial News’s ESG correspondent Kristen McGachey will talk with some of the biggest names in the sector to get their take.

Desiree Fixler, former head of sustainability at DWS, and Tariq Fancy, a former BlackRock executive, will discuss the anti-ESG backlash in the US, whether it could happen in the UK, and how the industry can restore trust after greenwashing allegations.

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