Who will replace the quiet American?

BGC Partners' David Buik has drawn up odds on the most likely candidates to replace Eric Daniels as chief executive of Lloyds Banking Group

Finding a replacement for Eric Daniels as chief executive of Lloyds Banking Group will be a “highly political” affair given that the bank is 42% owned by the government and the taxpayer. So says David Buik, a market analyst at BGC Partners, who has drawn up odds on the most likely candidates. The majority, predictably, come from the retail sector - although there are two investment banking exceptions.

• Graham Beale - chief executive of Nationwide, who Buik describes as a "tremendous boring banker, who will wet Vince Cable's and George Osborne's whistle", 3/1 • Douglas Flint - finance director of HSBC, who would be an "excellent pair of steady hands", 3/1. • Stuart Gulliver - "An excellent appointee" if boss Michael Geoghegan isn't chosen as chairman of HSBC 4/1 • Gordon Nixon, chief executive of Royal Bank of Canada - has ensured a clean bank balance 4/1 • Cameron Clyne, chief executive of National Australia Bank - ditto 6/1 • Gail Kelly, chief executive of Australian bank Westpac - ditto 11/2 • Fritz Seegers -similar to Beale and bound who is bound to be a favourite with Cable and Osborne 7/2 • Helen Weir, head of Lloyd's retail - best internal candidate 8/1 • Richard Meddings, finance director at Standard Chartered 9/2 • Truett Tate, head of Lloyd's Banking's corporate division, and Tim Tookey, group finance director 10/1 • Naguib Kheraj, former chief executive of JP Morgan Cazenove 10/1 • Paul Thurston, head of domestic banking at HSBC 12/1 • Gary Hoffman, chief executive of Northern Rock 20/1

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