The Railways Pension Scheme wants to use its £34bn in assets to improve audits – it could pull money, vote against directors and more
5 min read
Funds that invest more in UK private assets might end up getting worse returns
4 min read
City veteran says the mutual needs ‘leadership from a chair who can commit to a medium-term tenure of five or so years’
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The City financier and pensions veteran told Financial News sister title Private Equity News that he has plans for a new £1bn vehicle and a long-term asset fund
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Buy-now-pay-later firm draws on City expertise at ‘critical juncture’
1 min read
The Canada Pension Plan’s model seems attractive until you look at long-term results
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Mark Versey sets his sights on expansion for the £233bn fund group
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A letter signed by eight City grandees calls on the new government to help mobilise domestic savings to revitalise the UK economy
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Major investors have been pulling back, contributing to the UK market’s woes
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Robinhood wants to replicate its $1bn US retirement offering across the pond
2 min read
The government has a bold plan to save UK markets. The man behind it gives FN the lowdown
City awaits more detail on how to unlock spending in lagging domestic markets
VCs including Northern Gritstone, IQ Capital and Octopus Ventures strike deal to get closer to pension funds
More of the City's top pension companies could soon sign up to a landmark deal in bid to boost UK equities
The local authority was one of Neil Woodford's most loyal backers, with more than £200m invested in his now defunct flagship fund
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Opponents of a PPF consolidation plan are trying to kick it into the long grass
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The veteran fund manager also lamented the 'swathes of long-term savings' that have abandoned listed companies in favour of private equity funds
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The move will see the scheme's in-house investment management team join GSAM towards the end of 2023
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Investment consultants say their institutional clients — mainly traditional pension funds worth tens of billions of pounds — show no sign of making a play for bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies
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